Episode 44: Create a Profitable Instagram Strategy With These 5 Posts

Are you super beyond tired of posting constantly on Instagram, showing up in stories, recording reels, and still not seeing the growth and sales you want? Are you ready to turn that around and start attracting your dream clients who actually convert into paying customers? If you answered "yes," then this post is for you!

In this blog post, I’m diving deep into why just posting more sales content isn’t the magic solution. I’ll walk you through the five types of posts you need to share on Instagram to create a strategic funnel that attracts, engages, and converts your audience. By the end of this post, you’ll have a clear roadmap for your Instagram strategy, and I've got a special offer that will help you put it all into action. So, let’s get started!

1. Growth Posts

Growth posts are the foundation of your Instagram strategy. These posts are designed to attract the right followers to your account—people who are genuinely interested in what you offer. It's not about having a massive following; it's about having the right followers who are likely to engage with your content and eventually become clients. Think about creating content that is highly shareable and discoverable, like trending topics, viral challenges, or posts that encourage tagging friends.

2. Engagement Posts

Engagement posts are all about starting conversations and getting your audience to interact with your content. The more engagement your posts receive, the more Instagram's algorithm will show your content to both your followers and potential new followers. This can include asking questions, running polls, or creating content that encourages comments and shares. Remember, engagement posts are the first step in building a deeper connection with your audience.

3. Connection Posts

Connection posts are crucial for fostering a sense of trust and relatability with your audience. These posts should showcase your personality, share your story, and let your followers get to know you better. By showing the human side of your brand, you create a bond with your audience that makes them more likely to trust you and consider your offers. Think about sharing behind-the-scenes content, personal stories, or posts that highlight your values and mission.

4. Pre-Promotional Posts

Before you hit your audience with a promotional post, you need to warm them up with pre-promotional content. These posts build anticipation and prepare your audience for your offers. Use this content to demonstrate your expertise, share testimonials, or provide valuable information related to your upcoming promotion. This way, when you do share a promotional post, your audience is already primed and excited about what you have to offer.

5. Promotional Posts

Finally, we get to the promotional posts. These are the posts that directly showcase your products or services and include a clear call to action. Many mompreneurs feel icky about selling, but remember, your audience has problems, and your offers have solutions. Be straightforward about what you’re offering and why it’s valuable. Highlight the benefits and include testimonials or case studies to back up your claims. The key is to make it clear, compelling, and irresistible.

Join Post with Purpose

Now that you have a clear understanding of the five types of posts that form a successful Instagram strategy, it’s time to put this knowledge into action. I'm excited to introduce my brand new membership program, "Post with Purpose." Inside this membership, you’ll get access to monthly trainings, templates, guides, and ongoing support to help you create and implement an Instagram strategy that focuses on these five stages.

Post with Purpose launches today, and because you're here, you have the opportunity to join at the special founding member price of only $27 a month if you sign up before the end of the day on May 22nd. Don’t miss out on this chance to master your Instagram strategy and convert your followers into loyal clients. Click here to join Post with Purpose before that price goes up so you know what to post and when to strategize your Instagram content, so that you get leads and clients for your online business.


Episode 45: How Flexible Routines Can Change the Game as a Momprenuer with Sierra Scacco


Episode 43: How to make Instagram suck less while getting more clients: strategy + 3 post ideas