Episode 62: Why Instagram Carousels Are Beating Reels for Sales (No Dancing Required!)

Do you spend way too much time hunting down the perfect trending audio, hoping that this Reel will be the one that skyrockets your Instagram reach? Only to end up with a couple of comments and maybe a new follower? 😬

It’s time to stop stressing over Reels and start paying attention to carousels—yep, those simple swipeable posts that are stealing the spotlight right now. And the best part? No camera-ready look or lip-syncing needed.

Carousels: The Secret to Sales Without the Stress

Let’s be real: Reels can be fun, but they’re a lot of work. First, you’ve got to find the trending audio, then figure out how to tie it into your content. Add in the timing, lip-syncing, editing—it’s enough to make you want to throw in the towel some days.

Now, if you’re like me, showing up on camera every day is not happening, especially when the kids are running around, and I’m rocking my messy mom bun. That’s when Reels start feeling less like a creative outlet and more like a chore. So, where do we turn?

Enter carousels. They’re about to be your new best friend.

Why Carousels Are Outperforming Reels on Instagram

Here’s the deal: Instagram just rolled out some major updates to carousels, and they’re making them way more effective than Reels for boosting engagement and driving sales.

1. More Slides = More Storytelling Power

Instagram now lets you add up to 20 slides per carousel (yep, it used to be just 10). That means you’ve got double the space to share your message without having to squeeze everything into a 15-second clip. You can break down your content into bite-sized, swipeable pieces that are easy to read and digest.

Why is that important? Because no one is sticking around to read a wall of text on a single slide. Each slide should feel like a mini cliffhanger that gets your audience excited to swipe to the next one. Think of it like reading your kid’s favorite bedtime story—simple, easy, and keeps them hooked!

2. Reach Both Feeds and the Reels Tab

Here’s the really exciting part: You can now add music to your carousels, meaning they’ll show up not just in your followers' feeds but also on the Reels tab. That’s double the visibility without double the effort! You’ll get the reach and engagement that Reels offer, but without having to make yourself camera-ready.

Now you can tell your story, share your product or service, and show up in both the feed and the Reels tab—all without having to dance, lip-sync, or even put on a bra. Top-tier content creation, right? 😉

How to Create High-Converting Carousels

So, how do you make sure your carousels actually convert? It’s all about the slides.

Keep It Readable, Keep It Simple

Each slide needs to be quick and easy to digest. If it takes more than a few seconds to read, it’s too much. You want your audience to swipe through effortlessly, so keep each slide focused on one key idea. You’ve got the room—use it!

Don’t cram everything into one slide. Instead, spread your content out and guide your audience through your message, one slide at a time. By the time they hit the last slide, they should be hooked, informed, and ready to take action.

Use Carousels to Sell (Without Overwhelming Your Audience)

Whether you’re selling a product, a service, or promoting a new program, carousels give you the space to explain everything clearly. Say you’re a coach promoting a new offer—you can dedicate one slide to who it’s for, another to the benefits, and another to the results.

By the time your audience gets to the end, they’ll have the full picture of what you’re offering, without having to replay a video or figure out what they missed. And when your message is clear, sales follow. It’s that simple.

Why Carousels Work Better for Busy Mompreneurs

Let’s be real—mompreneurs like us don’t always have time to spend hours creating content. Between running a business and wrangling kids, it can feel impossible to create something that actually brings in sales. But that’s where carousels shine.

They let you share your story, educate your audience, and sell without needing to jump on the latest trend or spend hours editing videos. And with the new Instagram updates, carousels are getting even more reach—meaning your posts are more likely to be seen by new followers and potential clients.

Real-World Success with Carousels (No Dancing Required)

I recently heard from one of my clients who had been struggling to make her Reels work. She was spending way too much time on them and wasn’t seeing the results she wanted. Then she started using my “Carousels That Sell” templates, and everything changed.

Not only are her carousels now outperforming her Reels in reach, but they’re also bringing in actual sales. She no longer spends hours stressing over content—she knows exactly what to post to drive engagement and conversions.

Ready to Try Carousels? Here’s How to Get Started

If you’re ready to give carousels a shot (and trust me, you should), I’ve got a little something to help you get started. My “Carousels That Sell” templates are specifically designed to take the guesswork out of creating high-converting carousels. They’re used by over 1,300 mompreneurs who are now seeing real results from their Instagram content.

For the next two days, you can grab these templates for just $17—that’s $10 off the regular price. They come with a step-by-step worksheet to help you create slides that convert without spending hours in front of your computer.

Click here to grab your templates for just $17 and start seeing real results on Instagram—messy bun and all.



Episode 61: Transforming Instagram Followers into Clients With Social Proof