Optimize your website so it gets you leads and sales with Kelsey Romine

In the world of digital business, having a user-friendly website is crucial for attracting and retaining clients. This is especially true for mompreneurs who are juggling business demands with the responsibilities of motherhood. In this episode of Mompreneur Mastery, we sit down with Kelsey Romine, a talented WordPress website designer and busy mom of three, to discuss how to create a website that effectively guides users towards taking action. From understanding user journey to making content visually appealing, Kelsey shares valuable insights to help mompreneurs optimize their websites while managing their busy lives.

Understanding User Journey on a Website

Kelsey emphasizes the importance of understanding the user journey on a website. She defines it as the process through which people move through a site and the direction in which they are guided. In simpler terms, it’s about strategically mapping out the website to direct users to the desired pages and actions. For service providers, this could mean guiding users from the homepage to a booking page or a discovery call. Kelsey suggests considering alternate journeys based on user needs, such as leading them to an about page before heading to the main call to action.

Optimizing Content for Readability

In a world where attention spans are short, Kelsey recommends optimizing website content for readability. For mompreneurs, this means breaking down large chunks of text into smaller, skimmable sections. Using bullet points, bold text, and strategic use of images can capture the reader’s attention and convey key information effectively. Kelsey stresses the importance of creating breathing room around content, allowing busy moms to grasp the information without feeling overwhelmed.

Mobile Optimization

Recognizing the prevalence of mobile browsing among moms, Kelsey points out the significance of mobile optimization. Content and links need to be easily clickable and accessible on mobile devices. Transparent elements that overlap and hinder user interaction can be frustrating for mobile users. Hence, thorough testing and ensuring mobile compatibility are essential for a seamless browsing experience.

Navigational Simplicity and Clear Calls to Action

Addressing potential website complexities, Kelsey advises simplifying navigation and ensuring a clear call to action. Confusing navigational paths can deter users, leading them to click away from the site. By creating intentional and clutter-free menus, mompreneurs can guide users toward crucial pages effectively. The next steps in the user’s journey should also be clearly indicated, increasing transparency and building trust with potential clients.

Appealing to Moms

Considering the target demographic of moms, the design and content of a website should resonate with their preferences. Kelsey recommends creating visually appealing and skimmable content that aligns with the needs of busy moms. Simple language, informative headings, and clear directions for the next steps can effectively engage this audience.


Creating a user-friendly website that caters to the needs of busy moms is essential for the success of mompreneurs. By understanding user journey, optimizing content for readability, ensuring mobile compatibility, simplifying navigation, and appealing to the target demographic, business owners can enhance their online presence. Kelsey Romine’s insights provide valuable guidance for mompreneurs looking to create impactful websites while navigating the diverse demands of entrepreneurship and motherhood.

In the episode, Kelsey also shared a valuable resource, the "Web Design Mistakes Checklist," which offers actionable steps to improve website design across various platforms. Mompreneurs can use this checklist to make incremental improvements to their websites, enhancing the user experience and ultimately driving business growth.

As mompreneurs strive to balance their professional and personal lives, Kelsey's expertise sheds light on the critical role of website design in creating an efficient and engaging online presence. By implementing her recommendations and using the provided resource, mompreneurs can empower themselves to establish a strong digital presence and connect with their target audience effectively.


Connect With Kelsey:

Web Design Mistakes Checklist

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