The Key to Selling On Instagram

Billions of people log into Instagram every day. It just makes sense for small businesses to be on there, promoting their offer for free!

But if you want to make progress on those sales from your business's social media account, you need to make sure that you're not just posting to sell.

I know, I know. It sounds counterproductive.

But here's the thing, social media was never about selling. Yes, it is now all about businesses trying to sell you stuff whether it's organic content or through those targeted ads that make you think your phone is listening to you.

But the most overlooked key to selling on social media is remembering why it exists in the first place: community.

It was created for virtually connecting with each other. If you're a small business want to make sales from social media, you need to create a sense of community.

How do you do that?

  1. Define your target audience

  2. Research your target audience

  3. Create content for them, not for your business.

  4. Engage. Authentically. Not just random emojis and likes. Offer valuable comments and insights.

Need more help? Check out post examples, outlines of sales funnels, buyer profiles, and more in my Marketing & Social Media Guide!


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