Episode 47: How My Client Increased her Instagram Growth 15% and her Engagement 586%

Attract Your Dream Clients: Optimizing Your Instagram Profile

In this episode, we dive deep into the often-overlooked secret weapon of your online presence: your Instagram profile.

When a potential client finds your account, what do you want them to feel? Understood? Intrigued? Like they've finally found someone who speaks their language? Your profile is that crucial first impression, silently working 24/7 to attract ideal clients and fuel your business growth.

Optimizing for Success

Let's look at some signs you might need to optimize your profile:

  • Low follower growth rate (below 3%)

  • Not showing up in relevant hashtag or keyword searches

  • Low engagement on your posts

But how do we take a basic profile and turn it into a magnet for dream clients? Let's explore the key ingredients:

Profile Picture

First up, let’s talk profile pics. Your profile pic is your digital first impression, so make it count! Opt for a high-quality photo of yourself, with a clean background and you as the focal point. Remember, people connect with people, not logos.


Your bio is like your virtual handshake—it tells visitors who you are and what you’re all about. Be sure to use language that resonates with your ideal client, addressing their pain points and showcasing how you can help. Also be sure to include targeted keywords so your account shows up in search results


And let’s not forget usernames! Your username is your online identity, so choose wisely. Incorporate keywords that reflect your niche or industry to boost your visibility in searches.


Your highlights are like your mini-portfolio, showcasing your expertise and services. Keep them clean, organized, and focused on what matters most to your audience.

Links in Bio

Last but not least, let’s talk links in bio. Your bio link is prime real estate, so use it wisely. Whether you’re promoting a product, service, or lead magnet, make sure it’s clear, compelling, and easy for visitors to take action.

Taking Action (and a Special Offer!)

By optimizing your profile, you can attract high-quality followers who are genuinely interested in what you offer. This can lead to increased engagement, more leads, and ultimately, more clients.

Feeling overwhelmed? I get it! Especially during busy summer months. If you don't have the time or brainpower to revamp your profile on your own, you can ditch the guesswork and get a personalized roadmap to success with a profile audit.

For a limited time (until June 14th!), you can save $10 on your profile audit and get an optimized username, bio, link in bio, and bio highlights – all for just $47.

Grab your discounted profile audit before this offer disappears!


Episode 48: Ingenious Selling Secrets from Nicki Krawczyk: How She 40X Her Profits


Episode 46: Crushing Mompreneur Goals Without Needing a Coffee IV with Sam Weaver