Episode 55: Why You Aren’t Getting Sales on Instagram (& How to fix it)

Frustrated with all the time you're spending on Instagram without seeing the sales you want? You're not alone, and it's time to fix that!

In this episode of Mompreneur Mastery, I dive into why your Instagram strategy might not be converting followers into customers and what you can do to turn things around. 

Instagram is a powerful platform for connecting with your audience, but if you're not seeing the sales you want, it can feel like all that time and effort is going to waste. Trust me, I’ve been there, and I know how frustrating it can be. The good news is, with the right approach, you can turn things around. In this post, we’re going to dive into the top three reasons why your Instagram strategy might not be converting followers into customers—and, more importantly, how to fix it.

1. You're Not Building Genuine Connections

One of the biggest mistakes I see is when business owners focus too much on what’s trending and not enough on building genuine connections with their audience. Yes, it’s fun to jump on the latest trend, but just because something is trending doesn’t mean it’s helping your bottom line. People buy from people they trust, and trust is built through connection.

To start building these connections, be real and relatable. Share your story, show your personality, and make your content resonate with your specific target audience. Remember, people want to buy from someone they feel they know, not just another faceless account on Instagram.

Action Step: Take a moment to audit your recent posts. How many of them show your true self? How many encourage interaction or invite your audience into a conversation? Make an effort to create content that fosters these connections.

2. You're Not Talking About Your Offers Enough

This one might surprise you, but many entrepreneurs struggle to talk about their offers. Whether it's because they don't want to seem pushy or because they’re not sure how to do it effectively, the result is the same—people don't know what you offer, and therefore, they can't buy from you.

Here’s the thing: you don’t have to be overly promotional, but you do need to be clear. Seed information about your offers in your content regularly. Mention them in your stories, talk about them in your posts, and highlight how they can help solve your audience's problems. The more familiar your audience is with your offers, the more likely they are to buy when you do promote them.

Action Step: This week, make a point to mention your offer in at least three different pieces of content. It doesn’t have to be a full-on sales pitch—just casually integrate it into the conversation.

3. You're Not Establishing Trust and Authority

Finally, if you’re not seeing sales, it could be because your audience doesn’t fully trust you yet. Trust is crucial, especially when it comes to online sales. If people don’t believe that your product or service will deliver what you promise, they’re not going to open their wallets.

Building trust involves showing that you’re an expert in your field. Share case studies, testimonials, and social proof. Highlight your unique selling proposition (USP)—what makes you different and why that difference matters to your audience. When you consistently demonstrate that you know your stuff, your audience will feel more comfortable making a purchase.

Action Step: Start gathering testimonials and case studies if you don’t already have them. Feature these prominently on your Instagram and other platforms to build credibility with your audience.

Ready to Take Your Instagram Strategy to the Next Level?

If you’re tired of putting in the work on Instagram without seeing the sales you deserve, it’s time to make a change. I’m excited to announce my upcoming 5-Day Instagram Strategy Challenge, launching on September 16th!

This challenge is packed with actionable steps you can implement right away to start seeing real results. Whether you’re new to Instagram or looking to refine your strategy, this challenge will give you the tools you need to turn your Instagram followers into loyal customers.

Sign up now to get on the waitlist and be the first to know when the challenge goes live. Let’s transform your Instagram game together!


Episode 56: Creating a Content Schedule that WORKS for Mompreneurs


Episode 54: 3 Time-Saving Instagram Tips for Busy Mompreneurs (while still making money)