Boosting Instagram Engagement through Readable Content

You could have the best, super helpful post to share with your target audience that is sure to get you a sale.

BUT if it's not readable, they're not gonna sit to swipe through your carousel or take the time to read through your thought-out caption.

You need to make sure that the readability of your posts (all kinds) is there so that your content actually gets consumed and not just scrolled past.

Yep, you heard it right – those captivating graphics and captions need to be easily digestible for your followers.

Low readability = low watch time = low reach.

If you want your content to reach your dream client, it needs to be quality. Quality includes how it looks and that includes readability.

The biggest thing to remember is that people on Instagram aren't really there to be sold to. They're there for entertainment and sometimes education. So it's going to take a lot for them to read long captions or detailed text-based carousels.

Knowing that, here's how we can keep them interested and reading to listen to your message and increase your watch time.

Choose the Right Font and Size

When it comes to readability, font selection and size are key players. Opt for fonts that are legible and align with your brand's personality. Steer clear of overly decorative or complex fonts that may hinder comprehension. Remember, simplicity can go a long way!

Consider the size of your text as well. Ensure it's neither too small to strain the eyes nor too large to overwhelm the visual balance. Strike the right balance by making your text clear, crisp, and easy to read at a glance.

Sometimes choosing the pretty script Canva suggests can hurt your readability.

Clarity in Carousels

Are you using text-based carousels to get complex ideas across to your audience? Be strategic in how much information you share per slide.

Keep in mind that people are most likely skim-reading content. And don't take it personally, it's not just yours. But because we know that, consider bolding or italicizing keywords and phrases. By making pain points, relatable situations, or desired outcomes pop you can keep them swiping to the next slide.

When it comes to the text format, I know that centered text is cute. But save it for titles. People's brains are confused by it, stick to classic left-aligned text for anything that's not a title.

Keep Captions Concise and Clear

In a fast-paced scrolling world, brevity is key. Craft captions that get straight to the point while remaining engaging and informative. Break down complex ideas into bite-sized sentences, and avoid lengthy paragraphs that might discourage your audience from reading through.

If you do need a long caption, in addition to using curiosity gaps to keep it compelling, utilize line breaks strategically to create visual separation and enhance the overall readability of your captions. White space is your friend and helps your followers process information effortlessly.

Contrast for Clarity

Boost the legibility of your graphics by ensuring a strong contrast between the text and the background. Dark text on a light background or vice versa can significantly enhance readability. Avoid using low-contrast color combinations that might strain the eyes or make it difficult to discern the text.

Experiment with color palettes that align with your brand identity while prioritizing readability. Remember, your goal is to captivate your audience, not leave them squinting!

Break It Down with Bullet Points

Incorporating bullet points can work wonders for organizing information and making it easier to consume. When sharing tips, instructions, or key points, consider breaking them down into concise bullet points. This approach not only enhances readability but also facilitates quick comprehension.

Reels Text

Alright, let's talk Reels. When it comes to Instagram Reels, the text overlay plays a vital role in conveying your message and grabbing your audience's attention. Pay close attention to the color and placement of your text to maximize readability and impact.

I know the temptation to make the text color match your clothes or background to help with the *aesthetic* is strong. But don't do it. It could make the text get lost and you want your message to stand the fuck out.

Choose colors that stand out against the background of your video. High contrast between the text and the visuals will ensure that your message pops and is easily readable, even as your Reel moves swiftly. Avoid using colors that blend in or get lost in the footage.

Consider the placement of your text as well. Ensure that it doesn't obstruct important elements in your video or distract from the focal point. Strategic placement, such as along the edges or in empty spaces, can maintain a balance between the text and the visual content. Use the built-in frame that Instagram has as a guide to make sure your text doesn't get cut off.

Test, Evaluate, and Refine

Last but not least, keep experimenting and evaluating the readability of your Instagram graphics and captions. Pay attention to your audience's engagement and feedback. Monitor metrics like shares, comments, and saves to gauge their interest and adjust your approach accordingly. Remember, readability is an ongoing process, so be open to refining your strategies along the way.

If you want to learn more about writing captions that captivate to increase your watch time and lead generation, check out this post all about how to craft the best captions.


What posts to share on your small business's Instagram account


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