Turning your followers into clients

That's kind of why we're here, isn't it? We all made Instagram accounts for our small businesses to sell our offers. Even if social media wasn't made with the intention to sell, that's what it's used for because... capitalism.

So it's important to remember why social media was created when trying to use it to sell. Because marketing and selling on social media is different than doing it in emails or in real life.

Social media was created for virtual connection. Humans are hard-wired to want to connect and be around people with similar interests and experiences.

So how can we use this information to make sure the time we're spending on creating content, posting it, and just scrolling the app is actually converting to sales?

Creating community.

Picture this: you're a mom trying to conquer the business world while juggling a thousand other tasks. I feel you! That's why building a supportive online community is like finding a hidden stash of chocolate your kids can't get to (you know, the good kind). It's your place to connect, share experiences, and receive invaluable support from fellow mompreneurs who just "get it." So, get ready to swap stories, exchange tips, and cheer each other on – because you deserve it!

Authenticity Is the New Black (Coffee)

Let's get real – we're tired of the cookie-cutter approach. Your online community craves authenticity. I don't know about you, but I'm pretty tired of everything having that Instagram "aesthetic". It's not me, so it's not relatable and I don't connect with it. My house is a mess, my kids are loud, and my playroom is not various shades of beige.

So, put on your comfy leggings (you know, the ones with the stains) and let your personality shine. Share your triumphs, your challenges, and your hilarious mom moments. By embracing your true self, you'll attract a loyal following that will stick with you through thick and thin (and dirty diapers).

Sharing Is Caring

Now, let's talk about the good stuff – content! Your online community craves knowledge, inspiration, and a sprinkle of that mom humor we all adore. Share valuable tips, tutorials, and relatable stories that make your followers go, "Yes! That's so me!" Be generous with your expertise and watch your girl gang grow as they eagerly anticipate your next dose of awesomeness.

Engage, Engage, Engage

It's not enough to just be present; you've got to get in the game, mompreneur style! Reply to comments, ask thought-provoking questions, and spark conversations like you're hosting a playdate for grown-ups. Show your community some love and watch the magic happen.

Engagement is a two way street. It's not all about engaging on your own content. You need to find the right accounts and hashtags to follow and engage on. And I'm not just talking about random likes and emoji comments. I mean thoughtful comments, asking questions or sharing something relevant and valuable to others.

Making this worth your time

Building and nurturing an online community as a mompreneur is no easy task, but it's necessary for sustainable growth and continued sales on Instagram

However, I totally understand that finding the right strategies and implementing them effectively can be overwhelming. That's where my new Engagement Audit comes in to save the day, superhero style!

Imagine going from:

  • stressed about wondering what to post to get comments for more reach and growth

  • not getting account growth

  • not having that sense of community that is essential for regular sales

To having

  • super fan followers ready to comment and share whatever you post

  • consistent follower growth so that you always have new leads to pitch to

  • steady sales from the community of dream clients you've made on Instagram

With an Engagement Audit, you'll receive 10 custom CTAs (Call to Actions) tailored specifically for your online community. These CTAs will not only capture your audience's attention but also drive meaningful interactions and conversions. Say goodbye to crickets and hello to a buzzing community of engaged followers who can't get enough of your awesomeness!

But that's not all! I'm also including 5 handpicked engagement tips and strategies designed to address your pain points head-on.

I understand the challenges you face as a mompreneur – time constraints, balancing work and family life, and the need to stand out in a crowded online world. My tips and strategies will help you navigate these obstacles with ease, ensuring that you're equipped with the tools to foster genuine connections and sustainable growth.

Click here for more information

Imagine the satisfaction of watching your community flourish, your posts generating buzz and comments pouring in.

Imagine the increased brand awareness, customer loyalty, and ultimately, higher conversions and sales. Our Engagement Audit is the secret weapon you've been waiting for to transform your online community into a thriving hub of support, inspiration, and success.

All you have to do is click this link, check your inbox for a quick and easy intake form, and sit back and relax while I put it all together for you. It takes a few days to put together but I also send a screen recording going over it and how to implement it.

Don't let your engagement efforts fall by the wayside or spend hours of your precious time that doesn't turn your followers into a community of people ready to support and buy from you.

Let me take the guesswork out of the equation and provide you with a personalized roadmap to engagement greatness. Invest in our Engagement Audit today (for less than it costs to take your family out to dinner) and watch your mom-owned business soar to new heights.

Remember, you're not alone on this journey. We're here to support you every step of the way.

Together, let's create a community that leaves a lasting impact and sets your mompreneur venture up for long-term success. Get ready to nurture your online girl gang like a pro – because you've got this!


Boosting Instagram Engagement through Readable Content


How to Beat the Summer Engagement Slump