Pain & Pleasure Points: Proven Method to Sell on Social Media

Knowing your audience's pain and pleasure points is one of the most effective marketing strategies, especially for selling your offer on social media.

When selling on socials, you must remember the community aspect behind all social media. Knowing your audience will help foster that connection and sense of community. Understanding their pain and pleasure points will help make sure your content (and your offer) are valuable and worth their time.

So what are they?

Pain points are essentially problems your potential client or customer faces. They're going to be things they struggle with, things they don't like, things that bother them. They're a "pain" requiring a solution. The solution being your offer.

What about Pleasure Points?

Similarly, pleasure points are going to be the things your potential client or customer wants to have or experience. What makes them happy? What do they wish they had more of? What helps motivate them?

How do you market them?

Marketing them on social media isn't as hard as you might think. You've probably seen it and didn't even realize that's what they are.

A ridiculously simple formula to follow would be:

"Sick of *pain point*? Here's 3 ways to *pleasure point*!"

This could be a carousel or a reel, and the third way would be your pitch to your offer. Or all 3 ways could be features of your offer and you tie it together at the end with the pitch, talking up the importance of the pleasure point and how your offer can give it to them.

How do you figure out the points?

Most mompreneurs are also in their target audience. So you should have a pretty good idea of what these things might be. If you're not getting results (on social content or via sales) you should do some market research to make sure your pain and pleasure points will speak to your target audience.

If you're strapped for time (what mom isn't), check out my Personalized Social Media Strategy It's one of the many things included in the customized, 20-page guide.


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