Making Sales on Instagram

Raise your hand if you've ever felt icky about promoting whatever it is your selling

It happens! But the thing is your business depends on getting your message out there and convincing people to buy from you. However, many women struggle with promoting their offers because they feel guilty or ashamed about it.

Why do women feel bad about promoting their offers? There are a few reasons:

1. We don't want to come across as pushy or salesy. Women are often taught to be polite and accommodating, and that presents itself in business owners as worry that promoting their business too aggressively will turn people off.

2. We feel like they're bragging or showing off. Women are also often taught to be modest and humble, and that can bring about a worry that promoting their business too much will make them seem arrogant.

3. We worry about what others will think. Women are often judged more harshly than men (thanks, patriarchy), and we worry that promoting their business will make them a target for criticism or ridicule.

However, it's important to remember that promoting your offer is not a bad thing.

In fact, it's essential for the success of your business. Here are some reasons why:

1. Less than 10% of your followers (on average) see your social media content. If that's your primary way of marketing your stuff and you're rarely promoting your offer, how can you expect to know what it is and to buy? The math ain't mathing. Talk about your offer.

2. On average someone has to see an ad for something 8 times before they buy. It's assumed that's even more on social media. This, paired with the fact from #1, means you need to be talking about your offer more. Loud and proud!

3. It helps you make more money. Let's face it: your business needs to make money to survive. By promoting your offer, you're increasing your chances of making more sales and generating more revenue.

So, how can you overcome your reluctance to promote your offer? Here are some tips:

1. Focus on the value you're providing. Own your awesomeness and the awesomeness of your offer. Instead of thinking about promoting your offer as "selling" something, think about it as providing value to your customers. What problems are you solving? How are you making their lives easier or better? By focusing on the value you're providing, you can feel more confident and less salesy.

2. Be authentic. People can tell when you're not being genuine, so it's important to be true to yourself when promoting your offer. Share your personal story, talk about why you're passionate about your business, and be honest about the benefits of your products or services.

3. Practice, practice, practice. The more you promote your offer, the easier it will become.

So you can see why promoting your offer is essential for the success of your business. While it's normal to feel hesitant or uncomfortable about it, remember that promoting your offer is not a bad thing. By focusing on the value you're providing, being authentic, and practicing, you can overcome your reluctance and start promoting your offer with confidence.

Now that you're ready to confidently and authentically promote your offer, learn the most successful marketing strategies for selling on social media in my Marketing & Social Media Guide!

In addition to proven marketing tactics, grab my Marketing & Social Media Guide to learn how to:

  • Work with Instagram's algorithm so that you can maximize your reach and find your ideal clients

  • Create a buyer journey and sales funnel to convert your followers to clients

  • Use the most impactful marketing strategies in your content so that you can make more sales

See what I did there? Provided value in my content, promoted my offer unapologetically because I know it's going to help you (because that's the feedback I get and especially now that I just updated it).

If you want to confidently and easily do the same for our offer, you're gonna wanna check out this guide. Click here to learn more


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