Time-Saving Tools Every Mompreneur Needs to Know About

Are you a mom business owner struggling to keep up with the demands of running a business and maintaining a strong presence on Instagram? Look no further!

Here are five free resources that can help you save time and strengthen your Instagram strategy:


Canva is a graphic design platform that allows you to create professional-looking designs quickly and easily. As a mom business owner, you don't always have the time or resources to hire a graphic designer to create custom graphics for your Instagram feed. With Canva, you can create graphics for your feed, stories, and even ads without any design experience.

*Pro tip: create templates you can re-use over and over to save even more time AND strengthen your brand recognition online


Metricool is an Instagram planning, scheduling, and analyzing tool that allows you to plan and schedule your posts in advance. With Metricool, you can save time by scheduling all your posts for the week or month in one sitting. It also integrates with Canva so you don't have to save your design then re-upload it to schedule. With one click you can send your design to Metricool, caption and all.

*Pro tip: While Metricool has a free version, the paid version comes with a robust report including hashtag analysis and their own version of Linktree which also comes with analysis (unlike the free version of linktree). Highly recommend, one of the most comprehensive and cost-effective paid scheduling services I've found.


This one is the least flashy but my absolute favorite. I get sucked into a task sometimes or will get sucked into scrolling when I'm doing research for reels templates. FocusKeeper is a pomodoro timer that keeps me on task. I can set a timer for 15 or 20 minutes, enough for me to get some work done but not long enough for the kids to burn my house down while I'm working. It makes a ticking noise as it goes, which I thought would be annoying but actually serves as a reminder of why the timer is going so I can stay on task. There's also a free app for your phone.


Automation is my favorite. Taking menial tasks off my plate is my dream. So obviously I love Zapier for it's automation and system integrations. You can get 5 "zaps" for free or there's a paid version for more. Sign up, tell Zapier what tools or systems you use and it'll recommend some "zaps" that make your life easier and save you time.


Checks your grammar. Kind of self-explanatory BUT when we do so much in a rush it's easy for mistakes and types to happen. You can copy and paste your email, blog, caption whatever into Grammarly and it'll check it for you. OR (and this is what I do) add the extension to your browser to take out the copy-and-paste step. It's literally correcting me as I type this blog. It works in Canva for content and captions, emails, all the things. I love it.

Listen, as a mom business owner, your time is valuable. These five free resources can help you save time and strengthen your Instagram strategy. If you want more of these time-saving tools, check out the full list of the 14 tools in my newly updated Marketing & Social Media Strategy.

The Marketing & Social Media Strategy guide includes the tools and strategies I consistently use for myself and my clients that allow me to manage my business and 6 other businesses' social media presences, all while working only 2-3 hours a day.

*may contain affiliate links that compensate me at no extra cost to you


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