What exactly is an Instagram Strategy anyway?

Are you a busy mompreneur struggling to find the right Instagram approach that fits seamlessly into your schedule? Do you want to maximize engagement, generate more leads, and increase sales without sacrificing quality time with your family?

You need an Instagram Strategy.

In this episode titled "What's an Instagram Strategy Anyway," I explain the true meaning and power of an Instagram strategy. I debunk the common misconception that random tactics and singular posts alone can yield long-term success. I emphasize the importance of having a well-crafted strategy that guides your entire Instagram journey, ensuring every piece of content contributes to a larger narrative and supports your business goals.

Understanding the Difference Between Tactics and Strategy:

I distinguish between tactics and strategy, explaining that tactics are individual actions taken on Instagram to achieve specific smaller results, such as using loop reels or curiosity gaps in carousels. While these tactics may provide short-term wins and engagement, without a strategic foundation, they risk becoming disjointed efforts. On the other hand, a strategy is a grand plan, a road map that guides your Instagram journey. It focuses on creating cohesion, ensuring every piece of content fits together seamlessly to achieve a compelling picture that attracts your dream clients.

The Benefits of an Instagram Strategy

An Instagram strategy is more than just a collection of posts or a pretty grid. It works to support your entire business, weaving into the buyer's journey—a crucial aspect of any successful business endeavor. I break down the buyer's journey into three stages: awareness, consideration, and decision. At each stage, your strategy plays a key role in attracting attention, addressing pain points, providing solutions, building trust, and ultimately guiding your audience toward making a purchasing decision.

The Role of Strategy in Long-Term Success

While tactics may provide immediate impact and creative spice, it's the strategic approach that turns those moments into a lasting journey. A well-crafted strategy ensures that each post contributes to building authority, reputation, and meaningful connections with your target audience. By strategically aligning your content with the different stages of the buyer's journey, you're not only increasing your chances of conversion, but also solidifying your brand's position as a reliable source of information and expertise.

As a mompreneur striving for a balanced work and family life, it's important to have a clear Instagram strategy that saves you time, increases sales, and fosters a thriving online community.

If you don’t have a strategy in place and you’re ready to stop throwing spaghetti at the wall when it comes to content creation and you want consistent results that are bigger than just vanity metrics, they get you higher conversion rates when it comes to leads and sales, check out a special offer I’m sharing just with my podcast listeners as a thank you for supporting me. There’s a link in the show notes that will get you 50% off a strategy power hour call with me where we will meet via zoom, talk about your business and come up with 3-5 next steps to solidify your Instagram strategy so that you can be sure your content will support your business and you’re not wasting time creating posts that won’t lead to new clients.

Don’t miss out on this super special 1 time offer and I can’t wait to talk to you about the amazing work your doing!


Plan a Month of Instagram Content in Less Than 20 Minutes!


Maximizing your Strategy with Content Pillars