Why I'm Loving The Newest Reels Updates For Business Accounts (And You Should, Too!)

Reels aren't quite as powerful as they used to be since Instagram has been working toward balancing the algorithm and reach for static vs video posts. BUT short-form video isn't going anywhere anytime soon so as a business owner on Instagram you'll be excited about the newest Reels updates!

(Pro tip: head back to this post to learn how to use the in-app reels scheduler so that you can save time on your reels)

The 3 Updates We've Been Waiting For

They're finally here! Instagram recently announced 3 new updates for Reels and they're going to be especially useful for content creators and business owners. Keep in mind that Instagram always rolls out its updates in phases, if you don't have these features on your account they'll get there eventually.

Let's get into it!

1. Reels Trends

Ready to stop the "research" for reels audios that you tell yourself is only going to last a few minutes but accidentally turns into an hour? Instagram has now conveniently created a page where you can check out the most recent trending audios and hasthags.

How to get to it:

  1. Head to your profile

  2. Tap on your Professional Dashboard

  3. Scroll down to the "Tips and Resources" section

  4. Tap on "Reels Trends"

  5. Start making those reels!

2. Updated Editing

I hate editing reels in Instagram. It's difficult with lots of limitations and time-consuming and stupid. Previously I would use CapCut or InShot but now Instagram is stepping its game up to be more on par with InShot (I still think CapCut is superior, especially on desktop).

But check out how you can see the layers of text and audio and clips to make your reels editing easier, punchier, and timlier (totally a word).

I'm really excited to be able to more easily make sure the timing of text and audio and all that good stuff line up, how about you?

And now, the big one, drumroll please . . .

3. Updated Reels Insights

You know me, I love insights. All the data for making all the revisions and decisions. And now there's even more of it!!

Reels has been seriously lacking in Insights, but now we're getting two key pieces of info about the reels we're putting out on the 'gram: overall watch time, and average watch time.

See them at the bottom?

Watch time is exactly what it sounds like, the time someone watches your content. It's a HUGE factor in if and how much your content will get pushed to other accounts, especially non-follower accounts (hello, new leads!)

You can use this information for your reels to determine:

-how interesting your topic is to your audience

-if you're presenting the information in a captivating/compelling/relatable/engaging way

Watch time shows the total amount of time people have spent watching that reel.

Average watch time is the average amount of time someone spends watching that reel.

Like I said, reels don't quite have the traction they used to, BUT short form video content is still preferred by the majority of social media users. Definitely don't sleep on this feature. Reels can still get more reach than static posts (just by not as large a margin as 6 months ago). They are also a great way to connect with your audience by showing off your cute face and cuter personality 💁‍♀️

Hint: An easy way to come up with content ideas for your reels is to repurose past content that's performed well. Learn exactly which posts those are for you and how to repurose them in my Instagram Audit Guide.


Increase your reach, engagement, AND conversion with curiosity gaps


Instagram's Best New Feature: In-App Reels Scheduler