Episode 57: Does Your Instagram Content Have A Goal?

How to Post with Purpose on Instagram and Finally See Results

Instagram is often seen as a necessary part of building a business, but are you just throwing posts up with no real strategy? If you’re not seeing the engagement or sales you want from your content, it’s time to rethink how you’re using Instagram. In this blog post, we’ll break down how to create an Instagram strategy that aligns with your business goals, so you can post with purpose and stop wasting time.

In this post, we’ll cover:

  • Why setting goals for each post is crucial

  • The 5-step strategy to turn posts into profit

  • How to save time and make your Instagram content work for you

Why Setting a Goal for Each Instagram Post is Key

When you’re posting on Instagram, it’s tempting to focus on surface-level metrics like likes or comments. But if your posts aren’t contributing to your overall business goals, you’re wasting time. Every post should serve a purpose, whether that’s driving traffic to your website, promoting an offer, or building trust with your audience.

The Problem with Posting for the Sake of Posting

One of the biggest mistakes I see mompreneurs make is posting without a clear intention. I had a client who was posting consistently—every day, in fact—but wasn’t seeing any business growth. Her engagement was flat, and her followers weren’t converting into customers. The problem? She wasn’t aligning her posts with her business goals.

Once we set clear objectives, like promoting her lead magnet and driving traffic to her website, her engagement shot up, and her followers started converting into paying clients.

If you’re just posting for the sake of posting, it’s time to stop and reassess your strategy.

The 5-Step Instagram Strategy for Sales

To turn your Instagram posts into profit, you need a clear, step-by-step strategy. This 5-step approach helps you align your posts with your business goals, making it easier to convert followers into customers.

Step 1: Grow Your Instagram Audience with Targeted Followers

First things first: your followers need to be your ideal customers. You don’t need thousands of followers to make sales, but you do need the right ones. Focus on attracting people who fit your target audience, because without them, the rest of your Instagram strategy won’t matter.

Actionable Tip: Use relevant hashtags, follow accounts in your niche, and engage with potential followers who fit your target audience.

Step 2: Increase Engagement

Once you have the right followers, it’s time to engage with them. Engagement is key to building relationships and increasing your visibility on Instagram. The more your followers interact with your content, the more Instagram will show it to others.

Actionable Tip: Post engaging content like polls, questions, and stories that encourage your followers to interact with you.

Step 3: Foster Connection

People buy from people they trust. Building a connection with your audience is crucial for moving them from a casual follower to someone who’s ready to invest in your business. Share behind-the-scenes content, personal stories, or customer testimonials to deepen your relationship with your audience.

Actionable Tip: Share your “why” behind your business and how you help your clients get results. This helps build emotional connection and trust.

Step 4: Build Trust

Now that you’ve connected with your audience, it’s time to build trust. Showcase your expertise and offer value so your audience knows you’re the go-to person for their needs. This is where you highlight how your products or services solve their problems.

Actionable Tip: Share case studies, client results, and educational content that shows how you’ve helped others achieve success.

Step 5: Sell Confidently

Finally, once you’ve nurtured your audience and built trust, it’s time to sell. By this point, your followers know who you are, what you do, and how you can help them. Now, make a clear offer that aligns with their needs and encourages them to take the next step.

Actionable Tip: Create posts that feature your products or services, using clear calls-to-action to guide your audience toward making a purchase.

Why Posting with Purpose Saves You Time

One of the biggest misconceptions is that you need to post every day to be successful on Instagram. That’s not true. When you post with a clear purpose, you can post less frequently and still get better results. By aligning your content with your business goals, you’ll spend less time brainstorming ideas and more time creating posts that actually move the needle.

How a Clear Goal Simplifies Content Creation

When you know what each post is supposed to achieve, it becomes much easier to plan and create content. You’re not starting from scratch every time—you’re working toward specific objectives that align with your overall strategy. This not only saves time but also reduces stress.

Example: If your goal for the month is to promote a product launch, your posts should be strategically planned around building anticipation, showcasing the product, and driving sales. You’re not just posting for the sake of it—you’re posting with a purpose.

Stop Chasing Daily Posts—Focus on What Works

A lot of advice floating around Instagram suggests posting daily (or multiple times a day) to stay relevant. But here’s the thing: you don’t need to post every day. Instead of focusing on quantity, focus on quality. High-quality posts that serve a specific purpose will always outperform random posts with no clear goal.

The Power of Quality Over Quantity

By focusing on fewer, more intentional posts, you’ll not only save time but also see better results. It’s all about making sure each post contributes to your business goals, whether that’s increasing engagement, building trust, or driving sales.

Actionable Tip: Review your content calendar and trim down the number of posts. Focus on creating high-quality, purpose-driven content instead.

Aligning Your Instagram Posts with Business Goals

To get results from Instagram, your content needs to be directly tied to your business goals. Are you trying to grow your email list? Drive traffic to your website? Promote a new product? When you align your posts with your larger business strategy, you’ll see better engagement and, ultimately, more sales.

Pro Tip: Plan your content around your business goals for the month. For example, if you have a Black Friday sale coming up, start building anticipation weeks in advance with posts that align with each of the five steps in your Instagram strategy.

Posting with Purpose Leads to Sales

At the end of the day, posting on Instagram without a plan can only get you so far. It might be fun, but it’s also a time suck that’s not helping you reach your goals. By setting clear objectives for each post, you’re ensuring that every piece of content you create works toward growing your business.

Remember, it’s not about being present on Instagram all the time—it’s about being intentional with your presence.

If you want to dive deeper into creating an intentional Instagram strategy that saves you time and gets results, I invite you to try my Post with Purpose membership. For just $7, you’ll get 30 days of templates, strategies, and personalized support to help you post with purpose and turn your Instagram efforts into profit.

Grab your 30-day trial here!

Mentioned In This Episode:

Find And Fix The Gaps In Your Instagram Strategy Quiz

Snag a $7 trial of Post with Purpose


Episode 56: Creating a Content Schedule that WORKS for Mompreneurs