How to Beat the Summer Engagement Slump

Have you noticed a drop in your engagement recently?

You're not alone! It happens every summer. But listen up, because I'm about to drop some knowledge bombs that will help you beat the summer engagement slump and keep your business thriving all season long.

Summer is here, and we all know what that means – people are out and about, soaking up the sun, and spending less time glued to their phones.

Now, let's talk about the importance of good engagement on your business's Instagram account. Engaging with your audience is like building a strong foundation for your business.

It's all about creating meaningful connections, sparking conversations, and nurturing relationships. When your engagement game is strong, you create a loyal community that supports and advocates for your brand. And the more your audience engages with your account, whether it be stories, DMs, comments, shares, or saves, your content gets more reach. And when your audience gets more reach, your dream clients out there in the IG-verse find you and become potential leads.

The types of engagement we're looking for:

  • stories - for connection, market research, and selling

  • comments - to increase reach, connecting with your followers so that you can nurture them into leads and eventually clients

  • shares - audience growth

  • saves - demonstrates value of your content and increases reach

  • DMs - connection and selling

But during the summer, with everyone enjoying outdoor activities and vacations, it's natural to see a dip in engagement. That's why it's crucial to be proactive and take steps to keep the momentum going so you can keep your growth and sales consistent.

So, how can you combat the summer engagement slump? Well, here are some tried-and-true strategies that will make your audience pause, even while they're sipping their iced coffees by the pool:

Outbound Engagement

One crucial aspect of successful engagement is knowing the right accounts to engage with. By strategically interacting with accounts that align with your target audience and industry, you can significantly boost your visibility and accelerate your business's growth.

Engaging with the right accounts opens doors to valuable collaborations, cross-promotions, and opportunities to tap into a larger community of like-minded individuals. When you engage with the right accounts you can leverage their existing following to expand your reach and attract new followers who are more likely to convert into loyal customers.

By adding thoughtful comments, sharing insights, and contributing to discussions on their posts, you position yourself as an active participant in your industry, gaining recognition and respect from both your peers and potential customers.

With every comment, like, and share, you're not only building visibility but also creating a network of individuals who are genuinely interested in your content and offerings. These connections can become your loyal supporters, ambassadors, and ultimately, customers who are ready to invest in your products or services.

Engagement is a powerful tool that can pave the way for your business's success. By knowing the right accounts to engage with and nurturing those connections, you'll amplify your reach, strengthen your community, and achieve consistent growth, even during the summer engagement slump.

Calls to Action that Get the Job Done

A well-crafted call to action (CTA) is the secret sauce that can take your engagement efforts to new heights. It's the bridge between capturing your audience's attention and guiding them towards taking the desired action. Leveraging the power of a quality CTA can lead to significant benefits for your business.

A compelling CTA prompts your audience to take action, whether it's making a purchase, subscribing to your newsletter, booking a consultation, or engaging in another meaningful interaction. By clearly and persuasively communicating the next step you want your audience to take, you guide them through the customer journey, ensuring they don't miss out on the valuable opportunities your business offers.

A strong CTA also fosters a sense of urgency and compels immediate action. When your audience feels a time-sensitive need to act, they are more likely to engage promptly, boosting conversions and driving sales. By strategically incorporating urgency into your CTAs, such as limited-time offers, exclusive deals, or special promotions, you create a sense of excitement and motivate your audience to seize the opportunity.

By strategically placing CTAs throughout your content, you guide your audience towards desired outcomes. Whether it's encouraging them to explore more of your products, join your community, or engage in a conversation, a well-designed CTA acts as a signpost, directing your audience towards the next step in their journey with your brand.

A quality CTA empowers you as a mompreneur by increasing conversions, driving sales, and fostering meaningful connections. It provides a clear pathway for your audience to engage further with your business and positions you for sustained growth, even during seasons of lower engagement.

Audit Your Ish

To maximize the effectiveness of your engagement strategies and ensure continued growth, it's essential to conduct a thorough engagement audit. Think of it as a compass that guides you towards unlocking the full potential of your social media presence.

Auditing your content allows you to gain valuable insights into your past performance and understand what resonates with your audience. By reviewing your previous posts, interactions, and engagement metrics, you can identify patterns, trends, and areas for improvement. This data-driven approach empowers you to make informed decisions and refine your content strategy for better engagement outcomes.

Through a content audit, you'll discover the types of content that resonated most with your audience. This knowledge is invaluable as it enables you to replicate your successes and tailor your future content to align with your audience's preferences. You can also use this information to repurpose those successful posts in new ways, keeping your audience engaged but also saving you hours of content creation.

Moreover, an audit helps you identify any gaps in your strategy. Perhaps there are certain types of posts that receive minimal engagement or opportunities for interaction that you haven't fully explored. By recognizing these gaps, you can fine-tune your approach and develop targeted strategies to boost engagement in those areas.

Remember, engagement is not just about numbers; it's about building genuine connections and fostering relationships. Meaningful interactions with the right accounts can lead to collaborations, partnerships, and word-of-mouth recommendations that have the potential to transform your business.

Now, here's the exciting part, you may have seen this in my stories recently.

I've created an Engagement Audit so that you can get the support you need to keep your Instagram growth and sales consistent despite the drop in engagement this summer!

This audit is designed to identify areas of improvement in your current engagement strategies and provide you with

  • 10 custom calls to action that your audience won't be able to resist.

  • 5 personalized engagement strategies (stories, reels, posts, DMs, and outbound) tailored specifically for your business and dream clients

  • A video walk-through, so implementing these strategies will be a breeze!

Don't let the summer engagement slump get you down. Click the pink button below and get your hands on this invaluable resource that will keep your business buzzing all summer long. Just click the link below to grab your Mini Engagement Audit and unlock the secrets to consistent sales and growth, even during the sunniest season of the year.

I'm sure you're wondering what it costs, it's $37. There is probably a smoother way to do that but whatever. The point is, or less than a dinner out with your family you can get the custom CTAs and strategies that will sustain steady growth and sales despite the typical summer drop in engagement.

The summer may bring a dip in engagement, but with the right strategies and a little bit of creativity, you can keep your business thriving. Embrace the season, connect with your audience on a deeper level, and watch your engagement soar.

Here's to a summer filled with success and sun-kissed business growth!


Turning your followers into clients


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