Is ChatGPT Taking over Online Marketing??

ChatGPT uses natural language processing (NLP) to generate human-like responses to any questions or prompts you give it. Honestly, it's giving me major SmartChild vibes from my AIM days. But regardless, for marketing it can generate copy, slogans, topic ideas, blog outlines, you name it, based on the parameters you give it.

You can see how this might be helpful in the online marketing world. Especially for busy mompreneurs looking to offload some of their work.

To make the most out of AI tech like this, have a basic understanding of how it works

These programs scan the vast expanse of the interwebs to source material to answer your prompts. Because of that:

  • content is going to be generic

  • content is going to lack the personality and emotion that online marketing needs to be successful

  • content is not yours

So while I completely understand the urge to use it to write all the things and save you tons of time, be sure you go back and fact-check, infuse your personality, and and some relatable content that makes it feel more like your brand voice.

How to use ChatGPT

So remember this is a tool, not a replacement for you. If your prompt is crap, the copy will be crap. You get out of it what you put into it. To maximize the quality of your responses:

  • Go through the free tutorials on the site. They're quick and easy and helpful

  • Always dig deeper. Surface-level questions aren't going to cut it

  • Provide context and examples to give it more information to go on

Say you sell sunglasses, you could ask give me content topics for sunglasses

So those are pretty generic. And knowing that there are plenty of sunglass stores doing this same exact thing, you need to dig deeper.

See the difference? And I highly suggest asking follow-up questions.

As with anything related to marketing, you need to know your target audience. Using this tool is no different. Use those keywords and pain points in your prompts to get more specific and targeted responses.

Best Ways to Use ChatGPT in your Digital Marketing

We're all short on time so here's a quick n' dirty list, in order:

  1. content ideas

  2. caption ideas

  3. taglines

  4. blog outlines

  5. email outlines

  6. blog copywriting

  7. email copywriting

ChatGPT can be a great tool for striking inspiration or getting you started

But please keep in mind that any content ideas or templates without a defined target audience and strategy isn't going to do much in the way of helping you reach whatever business goals you've set for yourself. So to make the most of it as a tool:

  1. Know your audience

  2. Know your strategy

  3. Get specific

  4. Fact check (not everything online is true, let's not add to misinformation online)

  5. Add personality, emotions, stories to make it your own

  6. Proof read (sometimes it uses weird strings of words)

Ready to get the best prompts that use AI to give you the best content? I just added 2 pages of super specific prompt templates to my Marketing & Social Media Guide.

The 25-page guide gives you all the info you need to learn how to strategize Instagram, its algorithm and features and marketing tactics to create content that grows your account, creates connections, and sells your offer. With this addition of the prompts, you can save even more time on content that converts.


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